Alain Basso

Musics to images and radio arts

From a greenhouse to the other one

25' / 2018

Happening with Pascale Porcherot, Yannick Ruin et Alain Basso.

Order : Municipal greenhouse of Annecy

The skateboard of the Palais de l'Ile.

4'00 / 2017

Sound tale for the overview of the exhibition Réouverture du Palais de l'Ile, with Pascale Porcherot.

Skateboard : Maximilien Minsk
Order : Ville d'Annecy

The last carillonneur of Bessans

2'40 / 2016

Radio works, soundscapes and interviews of the natives of Bessans, for the CD of the book "Bessans qui chante".

Order : Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes / Conseil Départemental de Savoie / Bessans Jadis et Aujourd'hui

Ondine, serpentine dance

2'30 / 2015

Sound creation on early cinema work (1900) : short french documentary in black and white, colorized in the brush.

Le coinchon

1'35 / 2014

Radio works, soundscapes and interviews of the natives of Esserts-Blay, for the CD of the book "Kroka la nui".

Listen to the beginning

Order : Terres d'Empreintes / Conseil Départemental de Savoie

Theme of Geneva Celebration of Music

0'20 / 2014

Sound creation of the theme of Geneva Celebration of Music for television.
Director : Gilles Daubeuf.


Order : Service Culturel Ville de Genève / Léman Bleu

Precursors of film

2'15 / 2013

Sound creation for a 1904 chronophotography work by Lucien Bull, student of Etienne-Jules Marey.


Monte le son ! Les Alpes en musique

50'00 / 2012

Sound track for the exhibit about music of Alps at the Chataignière-Rovorée.
Curator : Guillaume Veillet.

Order : Conseil General de Haute-Savoie

Le jour où la nuit…

3'50 / 2011

Sound creation of an animated short film for a competition of sound track.

The bear's skin

70'00 / 2008

Sound design for the feature film of Gilles Daubeuf.

Watch the begining of the movie

SELECTIONS : Philadelphia Independant Film Festival - USA - 2008 / Horror Film Festival - Abertoir - England - 2009 / X Festival - Cape Town - South Africa - 2010 / International Youth Film Festival - England - 2010 / Documentary and Fiction Festival - Brussel - 2010 / Festival of Cinéma - Strasbourg - France - 2011...

Pays, paysages, visages

55'00 / 2006

Shaping of electroacoustic musics, moving images works of studients and cinematographic archives for the performance of Orchestre des Pays de Savoie, with multi-projection, directed by Moïse Touré and Alain Berlaud.

Espace Malraux - Chambéry / Dôme - Albertville / Bonlieu Scène Nationale - Annecy / Maison des Arts du Léman - Thonon

Quatre miniatures

6'30 / 2005

Educational compositions for string orchestra of very young musiciens, from drawings of materials.

Order : ADMS / Scène Départementale CDPMC Montmélian

La montagne a des oreilles

4'25 / 2004

Sound track with Nicolas Perrillat for the event "Un berger dans mon école".

Order : Conseil Général de Haute-Savoie / Société d'Economie Alpestre

The 40th anniversary of the Vanoise park

21'30 / 2003

Sound track for the performance told by Jean Bertolino ans Jean-Marie Jeudy.

Order : Société d'Economie Alpestre


6'00 / 2002

Sound track for the experimental video of Florence Lambert.

Émergence 2002 - Charterhouse of Mélan - Taninges

Concert on silent movies

25'00 / 2000

Live musical performance with Olivier Toulemonde and Philippe Moënne-Loccoz on short movies of Viking Eggeling, Jean Mitry, Joris Ivens and Eugene Deslaw.

Bande Passante number 2

2'30 / 1998

Sound track for the experimental video of Pierre Davidovici.

Jesus saved me

6'00 / 1998

Electronic sound track for the experimental video of John Deneuve.

Watch an extract

SELECTIONS : Magmart - Roma - Italy - 1998 / OVNI - Barcelona - Spain - 1998 / Rencontres Paris-Berlin - France - 1999 / Portobello Film Festival - London - England - 1999...

3 Factorielle 1

4'40 / 1995

Soundtrack "Araignée" for the Béatrice Slasak experimental short film.

Watch the short film

The Four Elements

8'15 / 1988

Electroacoustic music creation from a graphic score.